Your Summer Wellcation Starts Here

courses Jul 08, 2024

Summer can conjure up ideas of beaches and ice cream, long days and even longer nights, flowery dresses, and painted toes. Just the idea of it can bring back memories of fond summers long gone, of sprinklers and hide and seek among the dunes. Since February we may have found ourselves longing for these sunnier days, of escaping the day-to-day of life, of making our worlds that much bigger.

But summer can also bring more pressure. To get it right: As we question how to fill it? Whether we’re making the most of it? Whether someone else is having a better summer than ours? Whether we’re wasting summer?

It can also bring very real pressures: having to do all of the usual things of life but now with balancing kids who are off school for a very long time and/or our very active working lives with our expectations around downtime. Our routines can get as upended as our wardrobes. 

Summer can start to feel stressful like it’s even more difficult to maintain our well-being. The weeks that stretch ahead are even more of a juggling act. We can start to notice conflicted emotions around it: not just of joy and anticipation, but resentment (when you’re partner finishes all the books he’s brought on holiday and you’re on page 36 of your first one), regret (of the echoes of those past summers), and even frustration (when it all just gets too much).

Also, money for many of us is tighter than ever this year. It can feel that the summer we’d like might be beyond our reach and we’re not quite sure what to do with these limitations when our imaginations want to run more freely. 


Embrace a More Joyful Summer: Join Our Stay-at-Home Wellcation!


This year, as fewer of us are getting away, we’ve created our first summer Stay-at-home Wellcation – where we don’t go physically anywhere (yay no planes) but travel across our lives.

Over 4-weeks, wherever you are, we’ll drop short postcard lessons into your day, to help you navigate summer in ways that feel better to you. You’ll get to create a summer where you stay connected with yourself, those around you and the world in which you find yourself.

And here’s the key: we’re going to travel in two directions:

  • Inwards, whether with a short journaling prompt, a self-coaching exercise, or an audio note, so you stay grounded in what you need.
  • And outwards, whether a well-being activity, a mini-adventure, or even a local scavenger hunt, so you out of yourself too.


Balance, Joy, and Well-Being Delivered to Your Digital Doorstep


This summer, rewrite your story. Choose your own adventure with the Summer (Stay-at-home) Wellcation. Sign up today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being, without the hassle or expense of traditional vacations. Let's make this summer one you truly remember, for all the right reasons.


Discover more this summer

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